Puzzle Piece 6: Leaders

Judges & Kings were leaders of an earthly kingdom

Key Bible Reference: Joshua-2 Kings 25; 1&2 Chronicles; Job-Song of Solomon

About 40 years after the Israelites received the Ten Commandments, God told Joshua to lead them across the Jordan River into Israel, their Promised Land.  After Joshua died, the Israelites had judges leading them, and later kings ruling them.  The leaders were concerned with establishing an earthly kingdom and leading people in battles against physical enemies.  When the leaders obeyed God and eradicated false gods, God empowered them to defeat their enemies and He restored peace and protected them.  However, without Godly leadership, the people were led into sin by those around them and oppressed by their enemies to the point that the kingdoms were destroyed.  

JESUS’ Disciples are leaders of a Heavenly Kingdom

Key Bible Reference: Acts 3-Jude

When Jesus started his ministry, the Romans were ruling over the Israelites, but He didn’t come to conquer the Romans and establish an earthly kingdom.  Instead, He chose the 12 disciples as the first leaders whose mission was to teach people, in word and deed, about Jesus and a Heavenly Kingdom.  All Christians are leaders who should spread the good news, that by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus, we can be saved from the punishment of our sins and have abundant life here on earth, as well as eternal life in God’s Kingdom.    Jesus is the King of Kings whose Kingdom will never end.  Those who believe in Jesus will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to defeat the evil spirits in this world.  They will be blessed and will inherit the Kingdom of God.  However, those who reject Jesus will be judged on their own merit and will suffer the consequences.

Connecting the Old & New Testament

Old TestamentLIFENew Testament
Judges & KingsWHODisciples of Jesus
Earthly KingdomWHATHeavenly Kingdom
~1487-586 BCWHENAD 33-70
IsraelWHEREIsrael, Turkey, Europe
Enforce Laws of GodHOWTeach Gospel of Jesus
Love via Godly LeadersWHYLove via Holy Spirit

Luke 1 (NKJV)
31 And behold, you will conceive in
your womb and bring forth a Son,
and shall call His name Jesus.
32 He will be great, and will be
called the Son of the Highest;
and the Lord God will give Him
the throne of His father David.
33 And He will reign over the house
of Jacob forever, and of
His kingdom there will be no end.

Believe in Jesus and be a LEADER who leads people to His Heavenly Kingdom that entitles citizens to eternal life in Heaven and abundant life here on Earth.

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