Puzzle Piece 1: Life

Adam gave us a physical LIFE of mortality

Key Bible Reference: Genesis 1-2

JESUS gives us a spiritual LIFE of immortality

Key Bible Reference: Matthew 1-2, Luke 1-2

Connecting the Old & New Testament

Old TestamentLIFENew Testament
Physical Life-MortalityWHATSpiritual Life-Immortality
~4000 BCWHENAD 1
Garden of Eden, IsraelWHEREBethlehem, Israel
Dust of the EarthHOWHoly Spirit from Heaven
Love via Free WillWHYLove via Redemption

1 Corinthians 15 (NLT)
45…The first man, Adam,
became a living person.
But the last Adam—that is, Christ—
is a life-giving Spirit.
47Adam, the first man,
was made from the dust of the earth,
while Christ, the second man,
came from heaven.
53 For our dying bodies must be
transformed into bodies that will never die;
our mortal bodies must be
transformed into immortal bodies

Believe that Jesus is the Son of God who loves you so much He gave HIS LIFE as payment for your sins and rose from the dead so you could have eternal LIFE!

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