Connecting the Old and New Testament

The Bible has approximately 30,000 pieces called verses or scriptures.
The pieces of the Bible are organized by Testament, Book, Chapter & Verse.
The Bible has 7 Key Pieces that reveal the heart of the Bible and the love of God.

Connecting the Old and New Testament

The Bible is like a jigsaw puzzle…all the pieces connect. This simple Bible summary reveals 7 Key Pieces connecting the Old and New Testament. If you can understand the big picture, like the picture on the front of a jigsaw puzzle box, you will more easily understand how the detail pieces fit.

The Old Testament points to the better covenant of

the New Testament made possible through Jesus. 

In summary, the Bible has 7 Key Pieces that reveal the heart of the Bible and the love of God:

Puzzle Piece 1: LIFE (1 Corinthians 15:45,47,53)

  • Old Testament – Adam gave us a physical life of mortality.
  • New Testament – JESUS gives us a spiritual life of immortality.

Puzzle Piece 2: CLEANSED (1 Peter 3:18-22)

  • Old Testament – Noah’s flood cleansed the earth of evil.
  • New Testament – JESUS’ baptism cleanses our hearts of evil.

Puzzle Piece 3: NATION (Galatians 3:26-29)

  • Old Testament – Abraham birthed a nation of Israelites.
  • New Testament – JESUS birthed a nation of Christians.

Puzzle Piece 4: FREEDOM (Romans 6:6-8)

  • Old Testament – Moses led the Israelites to freedom from slavery.
  • New Testament – JESUS leads Christians to freedom from sin.

Puzzle Piece 5: COVENANT (Hebrews 8:7-12)

  • Old Testament – Moses gave the Israelites a covenant of law.
  • New Testament – JESUS gives Christians a covenant of love.

Puzzle Piece 6: LEADERS (Luke 1:30-33)

  • Old Testament – Judges & Kings were leaders of an earthly kingdom.
  • New Testament – JESUS’ disciples are leaders of a Heavenly Kingdom.

Puzzle Piece 7: VICTORY (1John 5:4-5)

  • Old Testament – The Israelites had temporary victory.
  • New Testament – JESUS gives Christians eternal victory.

Connecting the Old and New Testament Chart

The entire Bible, Old and New Testament, can be summarized by focusing on the 7 Key Pieces: Life, Cleansed, Nation, Freedom, Covenant, Leaders and Victory.

Connecting the Old Testament and New Testament Chart

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