Is Jesus the Missing Piece in Your Life?

God loves us so much He sent Jesus to die for our sins. Jesus loves us so much that He gave His life on the cross. If you haven’t already received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, choose Jesus today because tomorrow may be too late. 

  1. Choose spiritual and eternal life through Jesus.
  2. Choose to be cleansed through Jesus.
  3. Choose citizenship in the nation of Christians through Jesus.
  4. Choose freedom from sin’s consequences through Jesus.
  5. Choose to receive the covenant of love through Jesus.
  6. Choose to be a leader of a Heavenly Kingdom through Jesus.
  7. Choose eternal victory through Jesus.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20; John 3:16
Today I have given you the choice
between life and death,
blessings and curses…
Choose life and blessings.
God loved us so much He sent Jesus
to die for our sins.  Anyone who chooses
to put their faith in Jesus is choosing
eternal life and blessings.

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