What are the 7 Trumpets of Revelation?

The 7 Trumpets of Revelation are the second set of End Times Judgments against this evil world and the people who have rejected Jesus. The 7 Trumpets are more awful than the 7 Seals. One-third or 33.3% of the people, earth and heavens are destroyed. At the last trumpet, the world becomes the Kingdom of God and all evil will finally be destroyed.

1. 33.3% Land Destroyed

  • Revelation 8:7 – 33.3% of the land (trees/grass/vegetation) was burned by hail and fire mixed with blood thrown at the earth.

2. 33.3% Sea/Ocean Destroyed

  • Revelation 8:8-9 – 33.3% of the sea was hit by a fiery mountain and turned to blood killing 1/3 of the sea creatures & ships.

3. 33.3% Fresh water Destroyed

  • Revelation 8:10-11 – 33.3% of the fresh water was turned bitter by a fiery star called Wormwood.

4. 33.3% Heavens Destroyed

  • Revelation 8:12 – 33.3% Heavens (sun, moon & stars) were darkened so that no light shined 1/3 of the day and 1/3 of the night.

5. WOE 1-People Tortured 5 Months

  • Revelation 8:13-9:1-12 – A star falls from Heaven which is the angel of the pit of Hell (abyss).  The sun & air are darkened by smoke from the abyss.  Those not sealed by God endure 5 months of torture by locusts that sting like scorpions. 

6. WOE 2-33.3% People Killed

  • Revelation 9:13-11:14 – 33.3% of people are killed by a 200-million-man army riding horses breathing fire, smoke & sulfur.  The army was led by 4 evil angels who were released at the Euphrates River.  Those who were not killed still would not repent and receive Jesus.  While 2 Godly Witnesses prophesy for 3.5 years, the Holy City is being trampled by the Gentiles (ungodly). At then end of the 3.5 years, the beast kills the 2 witnesses, but they are raised from the dead and called to Heaven.  Rev 13:5-7 says the beast has power for 3.5 years to wage war against God’s holy people and the false prophet deceives people into worshiping the image of the beast and taking the mark (666).  Note the contrast between the 2 Godly witnesses and the 2 evil witnesses.  Also note the perfect Holy Trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (777) vs the evil trinity of Satan, the beast and the false prophet (666). 6 is the number of man and 7 is the number of God. The 6th Trumpet/WOE 2 ends after the 2 Godly witnesses go to Heaven and a great earthquake in the Holy City kills 7000 people.

7. WOE 3-Kingdom of God and Jesus

  • Revelation 11:15-19 – The world becomes the Kingdom of God and Jesus which means this evil world and all evil people are destroyed.  The Temple is opened and the Ark of the Covenant is revealed.  There is lightning, thunder and a terrible hailstorm. This is the beginning of the final judgments of the 7 Bowls.

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