What are the 7 Seals of Revelation?

The 7 Seals of Revelation are the first set of End Times Judgments against this evil world and the people who have rejected Jesus. The 7 Seals are opened by Jesus, the only one worthy to open the seals. The first 4 seals are referred to as the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Before the 7th Seal is opened, 144,000 Israelites are sealed by God, so they will not be touched by the second set of Judgments – 7 Trumpets.

1. White Horse-Bow-War

  • Revelation 6:1-2 – A white horse whose rider held a bow in his hands was given a crown and was waging war and conquering.  Compare to Jesus, the true Christ, in Rev 19:11.

2. Red Horse-Sword-Death

  • Revelation 6:3-4 – A red horse whose rider had a great sword was taking peace so people will kill each other.

3. Black Horse-Scales-High Prices, Food Scarcity, Famine

  • Revelation 6:5-6 – A black horse whose rider had a pair of scales saying, “a quart of wheat/3 quarts of barley for a day’s wages, but don’t harm the oil and wine (oil represents Holy Spirit/wine represents Blood of Jesus).

4. Pale Green Horse-Death and Hell-25% Killed

  • Revelation 6:7-8 – A pale green horse whose rider was named Death had Hell following him and they were given the authority to kill 1/4 of earth with sword, famine, disease and wild beasts.

5. Martyred Souls Cry for Justice

  • Revelation 6:9-11 – The souls of those killed for the word of God cry out for vengeance.  They are given white robes and told to wait for their brothers and sisters in Christ to be killed.

6. Disasters-Moon, Stars, Sky, Mountains, Islands

  • Revelation 6:12-14 – There is a great earthquake, the sun turns black, the full moon turns red like blood, stars fall, the sky rolls up like a scroll, and every mountain and island moves. Everyone hid in caves and begged for rocks to fall on them and hide them from the face of Him on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb.

7. Silence for Half an Hour

  • Revelation 8:1 – Before the 7th Seal is opened, 144,000 are marked by God on their foreheads (12000 from 12 tribes of Israel).  At God’s throne were people from every nation, tribe, people and language wearing white robes that have been “washed in the blood of the Lamb (Jesus)”.  They are in Heaven worshiping Jesus and will not suffer anymore.  Finally, the 7th Seal was opened and there was silence for about half an hour.

Continue Reading…What are the 7 Trumpets of Revelation?

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