Biblical Timeline Detail

This is a detailed Biblical Timeline using genealogies and secular events to document the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the Bible. I have a background in Accounting, so accounting for time in the Bible was very important to me. I don’t expect my timeline to agree exactly with other researchers, but I do expect them to be similar.  Remember that arguments about dates detract from the real message that Jesus loves you so much He was willing to die for you.  If you believe in Him, time is eternal.

Starting with death of Jesus in approximately AD33, I worked my way backwards 4000 years and forward 3000 years based on a 7,000 timeline. Not only was I able to document that approximately 4,000 years elapsed from the creation of Adam to Jesus, but I was able to show a continuous flow of time and events.  The 2,000 years since Jesus died are very well documented in history books. I hope this timeline gives you confidence that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

Biblical Timeline: From Adam to Noah

LIFE:  God created Adam from the dust of the earth 

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Adam created by God (Age 33)03967Genesis 5:3-5
Seth born to Eve & Adam (Age 130) 130-33=97973870Genesis 5:6-8
Enosh born to Seth (Age 105)1053765Genesis 5:9-11
Cainan born to Enosh (Age 90)903675Genesis 5:12-14
Mahalelel born to Cainan (Age 70)703605Genesis 5:15-17
Jared born to Mahalelel (Age 65)653540Genesis 5:18-20
Enoch born to Jared (Age 162)1623378Genesis 5:21-24
Methusalah born to Enoch (Age 65)653313Genesis 5:25-27
Lamech born to Methusalah (Age 187)1873126Genesis 5:28-31
Noah born to Lamech (Age 182)1822944Genesis 5:32
Shem born to Noah (Age 502)5022442Genesis 5:32,7:11,11:10
Total Years from Adam to Noah: 3967BC- 2442BC = 1525 Years1525 

Biblical Timeline: From Noah to Abraham

CLEANSED: Noah builds an ark to save his family and animals when the flood cleanses the Earth

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Noah starts building the Ark (Age 502)02442Genesis 6
The Flood (Noah Age 600)982344Genesis 7:6
Arphaxed born to Shem (Age 100)22342Genesis 11:10-11
Salah born to Arphaxed (Age 35)352307Genesis 11:12-13
Eber born to Salah (Age 30)302277Genesis 11:14-15
Peleg born to Eber (Age 34)342243Genesis 11:16-17
Reu born to Peleg (Age 30)302213Genesis 11:18-19
Serug born to Reu (Age 32)322181Genesis 11:20-21
Nahor born to Serug (Age 30)302151Genesis 11:22-23
Terah born to Nahor (Age 29)292122Genesis 11:24-26
Abraham (Abram) born to Terah (Age 130)1301992Genesis 11:26
Abraham (Abram) is called by God (Age 75)751917Genesis 12:1-4
Total Years from Noah to Abraham: 2442BC-1917BC = 525 Years525 

Biblical Timeline: From Abraham to Moses

NATION: God chooses Abraham & Sarah to birth the nation of Israel

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Abraham & Sarah go to Egypt (Age 75)01917Genesis 12:10
God makes a covenant with Abraham (Age 85)101907Genesis 15:4-21;Acts 7:6
Ishmael born to Abraham (Age 86) & Hagar11906Genesis 16:16
Covenant of circumcision with Abraham (99)131893Genesis 17:2-8,15
Isaac born to Abraham (100) & Sarah (90)11892Genesis 17:17, 21:5
Sarah dies (Age 127; 37 yrs after Isaac’s birth)371855Genesis 23:1
Isaac (Age 40) marries Rebekah31852Genesis 24:67;25:20
Abraham (Age 140?) married Keturah01852Genesis 25:1-2
Jacob & Esau born to Isaac (60) & Rebekah201832Genesis 25:26
Abraham dies (Age 175)151817Genesis 25:7-8
Jacob (Age 77) to Rebekah’s brother Laban621755Genesis 28:5
Jacob (Age 84) marries Leah & Rachel71748Genesis 29:18,27-28
Reuben, Simeon, Levi & Judah born to Leah31745Genesis 29:32-35
Dan & Napthali born to Rachel’s maid, Bilhah11744Genesis 30:4-8
Gad & Asher born to Leah’s maid, Zilpah11743Genesis 30:10-13
Issachar,  Zebulun & Dinah born to Leah21741Genesis 30:17-21
Joseph born to Rachel01741Genesis 30:22-28
Jacob leaves Laban after another 6 years61735Genesis 31:41
Jacob in Succoth, builds house, Dinah raped61729Genesis 33:17, 34:1-2
Benjamin born to Rachel & Rachel dies11728Genesis 35:16-18
Joseph sold as a slave (Age 17)21726Genesis 37:2,28
Isaac dies in Hebron (Age 180)141712Genesis 35:28
Joseph made Governor of Egypt (Age 30)11711Genesis 41:46
Kohath born, 2nd child of Levi (Age 40)51706Genesis 46:11
Jacob (Age 130) & 66 “sons” go to Egypt41702Genesis 46:26; 47:8-9
Jacob dies after 17 yrs in Egypt (Age 147)171685Genesis 47:28
Joseph dies (Age 110)541631Genesis 50:26
Amram born to Kohath (~Age 82)71624Exodus 6:18
Levi dies (Age 137)151609Exodus 6:16
Kohath dies (Age 133)361573Exodus 6:18
Aaron born to Jochebed & Amram (~Age 54)31570Exodus 6:20; 7:7
Moses born to Jochebed & Amram (~Age 57)31567Exodus 2:1; 6:20; 7:7
Moses flees to Midian (Age 40)401527Acts 7:23-29
Amram dies (Age 137)401487Exodus 6:20
Total Years from Abraham to Moses: 1917BC-1487BC = 430 Years 430 Exodus 12:40-41; Galatians 3:16-17

Biblical Timeline: From Moses to Solomon

FREEDOM: God chooses Moses to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt

COVENANT: God gives Moses the Ten Commandments (Old Covenant of Laws)

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Moses (80) & Aaron (83) free Israelites01487Exodus 12
Israelites spy Promised Land (Caleb 40)11486Numbers 1:1-2, 13:1-15
Israelites spend 40 yrs in the Sinai Desert391447Numbers 14:33-34
Moses dies (Age 120)01447Deuteronomy 34:7
Joshua (~Age 73) leads to Promised Land01447Joshua 1:1-4
Land Divided (Caleb 85, Joshua ~Age 80)71440Joshua 14:10
Joshua dies (Age 110)301410Joshua 24:29
Othniel judges401370Judges 3:8-11
Ehud judges801290Judges 3:15,30
Shamgar judges01290Judges 3:31
Deborah & Barak judge401250Judges 4:3-5; 5:31
Gideon judges401210Judges 6:1; 8:28
Abimelech judges31207Judges 8:31; 9:22-24
Tola judges231184Judges 10:1-2
Jair judges221162Judges 10:3-5
Jephthah judges61156Judges 10:8; 12:7
Ruth & Boaz (Book of Ruth ~1160-1150)01156Ruth 4:13-21
Ibzan judges71149Judges 12:8-10
Elon judges101139Judges 12:11-12
Abdon judges81131Judges 12:13-15
Samson judges201111Judges 13:1; 16:31
Eli dies; Ark captured (Age 98)011111 Samuel 4:15,18,22
Samuel judges (~Age 40)2110901 Samuel 6:1,7:2,8:5
Saul reigns as King of Israel (~Age 40)4010501Samuel 10; Acts 13
David reigns as King of Israel (Age 30)*4010102Samuel 5:4
Total Years from Moses to Solomon: 1487BC-101BC = 477 Years477  

Biblical Timeline: From Solomon to Temple Rebuild

LEADERS: Solomon becomes King; Judges and Kings ruled from ~1500BC-500BC

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Solomon becomes King010101 Kings 1:46-48
Solomon reigns as King (first 3 years)310071Kings 6:1
Solomon (Yr 4-40); Temple construction began36.5970.51Kings 11:42
Divided Kingdom – Judah & Israel0970.51Kings 11:9-13
Rehoboam reigns over Judah 17 years16.59541Kings 14:21
Abijah reigns over Judah 3 years2.5951.51Kings 15:1
Asa reigns over Judah 41 years40.59111Kings 15:9
Jehoshaphat reigns over Judah 25 years24.5886.51Kings 22:41-42
Jehoram reigns over Judah 8 years7.58792Kings 8:16-17
Ahaziah reigns over Judah 1 year0.5878.52Kings 8:25-26
Athaliah (Ahaziah’s Mother) reigns in Judah 7 yrs6.58722Kings 11:3
Jehoash (Joash) reigns over Judah 40 years39.5832.52Kings 12:1
Amaziah reigns over Judah 29 years28.58042Kings 14:1-2
Azariah (Uzziah) reigns over Judah 52 years51.5752.52Kings 15:1-2
Jotham reigns over Judah 16 years15.57372Kings 15:32-33
Ahaz reigns over Judah 16 years15.5721.52Kings 16:1-2
Hezekiah reigns over Judah 29 years28.56932Kings 18:1-2
Manasseh reigns over Judah 55 years54.5638.52Kings 21:1
Amon reigns over Judah 2 years1.56372Kings 21:19
Josiah reigns over Judah 31 years30.5606.52Kings 22:1
Jehoahaz reigns over Judah 3 months0.25606.252Kings 23:31
Jehoiakim reigns over Judah (Years 1-2)1.5604.75Daniel 1:1
Jehoiakim reigns over Judah (Years 3-11)  – Babylonian captivity begins in 3rd yr (605BC)8.5596.252Kings 23:36
Jehoiachin reigns over Judah 3 months0.255962Kings 24:8
Zedekiah (Mattaniah) reigns over Judah 11 years10.5585.52Kings 24:18
Babylonians conquer Jerusalem, destroy temple0.55852Kings 25:7-11
Nebuchadnezzar reigns another 24 years24561Daniel 1:1; 2Kings 24:10-12, 25:8-9
Evil-Merodach reigns over Babylon and releases King Jehoiachin of Judah15602Kings 25:27; Jeremiah 52:31
Nabonidus, Belshazzar & Darius the Mede keep Israelites captive in Babylon22538 Daniel 5:1, 30-31; 9:1
Cyrus of Persia conquers Babylonians (539BC); 70 years of captivity in Babylon ends (536BC); 50K Israelites return to Jerusalem with Zerubbabel to build temple (535BC)3535Ezra 1:1-3; Jeremiah 29:10; Ezra 3:8
Temple building is stopped by protesters for 16 years  (536BC-520BC) during reign of Cyrus until Yr 2 of Darius (~519BC)16519Ezra 4:4-5
Total Years from Solomon to Temple Rebuild: 1010BC-519BC = 491 Years491  

Biblical Timeline: From Temple Rebuild to Jesus

VICTORY: Israelites rebuilt Jerusalem and Temple after being conquered by Babylonians

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Temple building in Jerusalem resumes Yr 2 of Persian Darius I reign0519Ezra 4:24
Temple is completed 4 yrs later in the 6th year of King Darius4515Ezra 6:15
Persian Xerxes I (Ahasuerus) marries Esther the Jew about 480BC36479Ezra 4:6; Est 1:1, 2:7, 16
Ezra goes to Jerusalem in 7th yr (458BC) of Persian Artaxerxes I reign (465-424BC)22457Ezra 2:64-65,7:1,6,8
Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem in 20th yr (445BC) of Persian Artaxerxes I reign (465-424BC) & rebuilds walls of Jerusalem13444Nehemiah 2:1, 6:15, 7:66-67
Alexander the Great conquers Persians1153291 Maccabees 1:1-7
Greek Antiochus IV Epiphanes; Judas Maccabeus reclaims Jewish customs1661631 Maccabees 1:10,41-63; 4:48-59; 6:16-17
Greeks reign; “Maccabeans” become priests for Jews101621 Maccabees 13:8-10, 14:4
Romans conquer Greeks; Pompey reigns1448 
Roman Julius Caesar reigns543 
Romans Caesar Augustus & Herod reign430Matthew 2:16; Luke 2:1
Total Years from Temple Rebuild to Jesus: 520BC+1BC = 519 Years519  
Total Years from Adam to Jesus: 1525+525+430+477+491+519 = 39673967  

Biblical Timeline: From Birth to Death and Resurrection of Jesus

LIFE: Jesus, the Christ, was born as a human baby to the Virgin Mary

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
Jesus, the Christ, is born of the virgin Mary0.51Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1
Jesus’s family goes to Egypt to escape from Herod who wanted to kill Jesus, King of Kings.56Matthew 2:13-23
Jesus “teaches” in Jerusalem (Age 12)612Luke 2:41-47
CLEANSED: Jesus, the Christ, gets baptized by John in the Jordan River   
Jesus is baptized & starts ministry (Age 30)1830Luke 3:23
NATION: Jesus, the Christ, starts His ministry and a new nation of Christians   
Jesus performs miracles, preaches Good News3.533Matthew-John
FREEDOM: Jesus, our perfect Passover Lamb, dies so we can be free from sin   
COVENANT: Jesus introduces Holy Communion & the New Covenant made effective by His death   
Jesus dies on cross to save mankind (Age 33.5)033Mt27;Mk15;Lk23;Jn19
Jesus rises from the dead 3 days later033Mt28;Mk16;Lk24;Jn20
Jesus shows Himself alive for 40 days033Acts 1:9-11
Jesus ascends into Heaven033Acts 1:9-11
Total Years from Birth to Death & Resurrection of Jesus33  

Biblical Timeline: From Death of Jesus to Millennial Reign

LEADERS: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to the 12 Disciples and Gospel has been shared for 2000 years

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Reference
Jesus gives Holy Spirit-Pentecost (50th day); Disciples begin spreading the Gospel033Acts 2:1-4
Peter & Paul killed in Rome supposedly at the request of Roman Emperor Nero3164 
Christians & Jews persecuted; Titus destroys 2nd Jewish Temple during reign of Vespasian670Wikipedia
John receives Revelation on Island of Patmos2595Revelation 1-22
Christianity/Catholicism grew in Europe & West Asia200295 
Roman Emperor Constantine moves Roman capital to Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey)53001Constantine
1st Latin version – Latin Vulgate Bible commissioned by Pope Damascus I was completed by St.
Eastern Orthodox Church formed from Catholic Church64910543Eastern Orthodox
1st English version of Bible from Latin commissioned by John Wycliffe; scriptures divided into
1st Printed Bible (Gutenberg Bible)7114555Gutenberg
Lutheran Church formed by Martin Luther6615216Lutheran Church
Church of England formed by Henry VIII1315347Church of England
1st Bible with verses & commentaries (Geneva Bible)
Presbyterian Church formed based on teachings of John Calvin (1700’s in USA)015609Presbyterianism
Baptist Church formed in Amsterdam (1638 in USA)49160910Baptists
1st English version of Bible from original language (King James Version)2161111KingJamesVersion
Christians (Puritans) come to America91620 
Methodist Church formed in England by John Wesley130~175012Methodism
Pentecostal Church formed in USA by Charles Parham150190013Pentecostalism
Israel reestablished as a nation or “independent state”48194814Israel
Good news of Jesus taught worldwide; New churches formed; Nearly 2 billion Christians772025 
Estimated remaining years of 6000 years as of AD202582033Hosea 6:2
Total Years from Death of Jesus to Millennial Reign: AD2033-AD33=20002000  

Biblical Timeline: New Heaven and Earth with God and Jesus

VICTORY: Jesus reigns for 1,000 years with Christians, then Jesus casts Satan & his followers into the lake of fire. Christians live with God and Jesus forever!

Event# of Yrs~Yr (BC)Bible Reference
1000 Years Jesus rules; Satan bound10003033Revelation 20:1-3
Total Years from Birth of Jesus to New Heaven and Earth with God and Jesus3033  Revelation 21
Total Biblical Years (3967+3033)7000  

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