Biblical Timeline: How Many Years From Adam to Jesus?

Biblical Timeline: Starting Point

As explained in the Biblical Calendar post, there weren’t calendars in Biblical days like we have today. So, the only way to create a Biblical Timeline and determine how many years elapsed from Adam to Jesus is to backtrack from a point that is trustworthy. For the purpose of this summarized Biblical Timeline, I’m using the death of Jesus in AD33 as the starting point.

Biblical Timeline: Focus on Jesus and not Dates

Before going further, please keep in mind that it is better to focus on WHO and WHAT than on WHEN. Dates help us prove historical events and the Bible is filled with details to help us identify dates. However, God never intended for His church to be divided over dates and times.

Instead, Christians need to be united in our belief that God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to earth to be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people. After allowing Himself to be punished for our sins and killed on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God. In due time, Jesus will return to gather His people. Afterwards, Jesus will rule for 1000 years with His people, and finally, all evil will be completely destroyed and Christians will live in peace with God and Jesus forever.

Biblical Timeline Summary: How Many Years From Adam to Jesus?

Approximately 4,000 years elapsed from the creation of Adam to Jesus and the 2,000 years since Jesus died are very well documented. So, 6,000 years have elapsed from the creation of Adam to Jesus, and there are 1,000 years yet to come in the near future.

The purpose of a timeline is to easily show the time that has elapsed since the beginning of the Bible and to show a continuous flow of time and events.  It is not a statement about the age of the universe. Below is a high level summary with rounded dates for simplicity. For more information, please see the detailed Biblical Timeline.

Biblical Timeline Summary with Rounded Years

LIFE: God created Adam from the dust of the earth 4000BC1500
CLEANSED: Noah builds an ark to save his family and animals when the flood cleanses the Earth2500BC500
NATION: God chooses Abraham & Sarah to birth the nation of Israel2000BC500
FREEDOM: God chooses Moses to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt1500BC500
COVENANT: God gives Moses the Ten Commandments (Old Covenant of Laws)1500BC0
LEADERS: Solomon becomes King; Judges and Kings ruled from ~1500BC-500BC1000BC500
VICTORY: Israelites rebuilt Jerusalem and Temple after being conquered by Babylonians500BC500
Total Old Testament Years4000
LIFE: Jesus, the Christ, was born as a human baby to the Virgin MaryAD1500
CLEANSED: Jesus, the Christ, gets baptized by John in the Jordan RiverAD300
NATION: Jesus, the Christ, starts His ministry and a new nation of ChristiansAD300
FREEDOM: Jesus, our perfect Passover Lamb, dies so we can be free from sinAD330
COVENANT: Jesus introduces Holy Communion & the New Covenant made effective by His deathAD330
LEADERS: Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to the 12 Disciples and Gospel has been shared for 2000 yearsAD20332000
VICTORY: Jesus reigns for 1,000 years with Christians, then Jesus casts Satan & his followers into the lake of fire. Christians live with God and Jesus forever!AD30331000
Total New Testament Years3000
Total Biblical Years (4000+3000)7000

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