How Many Years From Adam to Jesus?
than on WHEN. Dates help us prove historical events and the Bible is filled with details to help us identify dates. However, God never intended for His church to be divided over dates and times. Instead, Christians need to be united in our belief that God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to earth to be the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people. After allowing Himself to be punished for our sins and killed on the cross, He rose from the dead and ascended to Heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God. In due time, He will return to gather His people. Afterwards, He will rule for 1000 years with His people, and finally, all evil will be destroyed and Christians will live in peace with God and Jesus forever.
Below is a high level summary. For simplicity, the dates are rounded.
Event | ~Year | Years |
Adam is created from the dust of the earth | 4000BC | 0 |
Noah builds an ark to save his family and animals when the flood cleanses the Earth | 2500BC | 1500 |
Abraham & Sarah birth Isaac, father of Jacob, the father of 12 Tribes of Israel | 2000BC | 500 |
Moses frees the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt | 1500BC | 500 |
Moses gives the Israelites the Ten Commandments (Covenant of Laws) | 1500BC | 0 |
David becomes King of Israel; Judges and Kings ruled for about 500 years | 1000BC | 500 |
Jerusalem was conquered by Babylonians but later rebuilt by Israelites | 500BC | 500 |
Jesus, the Christ, was born as a human baby | AD1 | 500 |
Jesus dies on the cross to save sinners, rises from dead, ascends to Heaven | AD33 | 0 |
Jesus begins His 1,000 year reign on Earth with saints/Christians | AD2033 | 2000 |
Jesus casts Satan and followers into lake of fire;Christians live with God and Jesus forever | AD3033 | 1000 |
Total Years | 7000 |